Programmer Progress

Boy has it been an interesting 30 days since we've updated you, there's both new interesting features and still new ones still to come. So lets talk about some of the new mechanics and systems added since the last discussion. We've added a camera, not what you think, to take polaroid pictures of key items or take a selfie while trying to survive this haunted nightmare. We have traps to both lure our enemy or cause problems for our player.  We have an inventory system now to store items and hold on to our pictures for a mechanic yet to be revealed. Dialogue system is being incorporated so we can start to understand why we are doing things. Objective and items are being made for another key system I am not yet at liberty to reveal but by our next update it will be implemented and you will see how it ties the systems together.  

Think you know what this system or mechanic is? Why not start a conversation in the community to see who comes closes or gets the mechanic or system right.


NightBuild 79 MB
May 26, 2024
SunBuild 59 MB
May 26, 2024

Get The House On The Hill Game

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