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The House On The Hill Game

A short linear gothic horror game made by Sheridan post-graduate game level design and programming students. · By ZENKOSTUDIOS


Recent updates

Programmer Progress
Boy has it been an interesting 30 days since we've updated you, there's both new interesting features and still new ones still to come. So lets talk about some...
2 files
The Player Character (Camera and Movement)
We have been prototyping the character controller and the camera system. It`s a 3rd person character with 4 switchable camera modes; Third Person, Over The Shou...
The House on the Hill: Then vs Now | How did we get from the original concept to the current iteration?
The idea for The House on the Hill had been thrown around for a while before it was ultimately pitched to the current team. It initially began as an isometric...
Building a Descent into Darkness
This developer log dives into the thought process behind the final level of The House on the Hill, highlighting key decisions, creative processes, and valuable...
We have been working on grey boxing a teleporter system for our hallways that will be a main feature on how are player is moved through out the house. the telep...

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